Auto-Welcome Messages

Introduction to Auto-Welcome Messages

Auto-Welcome Messages are an essential tool for customizing the new patient experience when they join your practice via Spruce. As a clinician, you may certainly retain the option to welcome patients manually, one by one, as they come in through the app. But, as you begin to attract more patients, an automatically generated welcome message that greets the new user upon sign up for the secure Spruce app is key. The Auto-Welcome messages are one time welcome message when they first download the Spruce app, not auto-responders, please see this article here on how to set auto-replies up. 

How Auto-Welcome Messages Work

Your practice may invite new patients by sharing or sending a text or email with your dedicated Spruce Link, QR code, and/or phone number, or manually through the app (via the Invite Patient option or by creating a secure conversation with an email or phone number that is not for a patient already connected).

In the case of manual invites, the Auto-Welcome Message will be sent based on the Spruce Link that you selected when sending the invite. New patients will then create an account that is tied to the unique identifier of your practice.

After clicking on the Spruce link, patients will land on your Organization Profile and if you do not have an Auto-Welcome Message created yet in your Settings, there will be an empty conversation, which is not very friendly and may leave your patients wondering why they signed up in the first place and what they are supposed to do! Let's show you how to get one setup!

As mentioned above, you may have the resources to manually send a message to the new patient, but unless it happens in real time, it will be a sub-optimal experience. 

How to Create a New Auto-Welcome Message

  1. Go to your Settings→Auto-Welcome Messages. 
  2. Create an automatic welcome message that will greet patients when they download the Spruce app and join your practice. You will deliver a best-in-class experience with a customized message designed just for your patients. You may even attach introductory PDFs, images, and videos to get them better acquainted with your offerings.
  3. Click on the blue button that reads: Create Auto-Welcome Message if on mobile and if on web it will read Create New. 
  4. Add a title and message, and choose which Spruce Link(s) you want this welcome message to apply to.
  5. Decide the sender, by default it will come from the practice but you can have it come from an individual as well. 
  6. To enable right away, toggle the top Enable toggle to blue to turn on then click Save. The next time a new patient creates their Spruce account, they will instantly get your pre-generated welcome message. 

Remember, you can set up different welcome messages for each Spruce Link. This is a great option should there be multiple clinicians in an office or if you have a special Spruce Link that is for your website telemedicine only for example. It’s also an opportunity to explain to patients what the app is used for, what forms must be completed prior to a visit, and what office protocol is in place during Covid. 

Examples of Welcome Messages

  • Welcome to [practice name]. You can use this app to communicate all of your medical needs with us. You can even send pictures and videos securely through this app! Feel free to message in with your questions. If you are having an urgent medical issue, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Thank you for creating your secure account with [practice name]. To get started please review the attached PDF documents and let us know if you have any questions. 
  • Welcome! This is the app we will be using for our video telehealth visits. Please make sure to turn your app notifications on. You can log in on your mobile Spruce app or via your computer at Message us with any questions. 

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