International Use

International calls on Spruce

International calling on Spruce is limited to certain numbers. Spruce supports the North America Numbering Plan, meaning you can call out to countries that use NANP 10-digit phone numbers. This includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, and about 20 other countries and territories. There are also some online telephone services that use 10-digit numbers. Outside of the NANP, international calls cannot be initiated via Spruce. 

Spruce offers partial support for receiving voicemails from international callers. While you will be able to listen to a voicemail left by an international caller, you will not be able to see the caller's phone number. If you expect to receive international calls, please state clearly in your voicemail greeting that the caller should say their phone number. 

Providers traveling internationally

Spruce supports forwarding calls to your U.S. number regardless of where you are physically located. If you travel internationally with your U.S. mobile phone, Spruce will still be able to forward your calls to that mobile phone. As long as you have a strong internet connection, you are be able to access the Spruce app to view secure messages, SMS text messages, and voicemails regardless of where you are. 

Patient App Requirements

Please note, in order for a patient to download the Spruce app and engage in secure messaging and video calls, they must have both a 10-digit phone number and a mobile device connected to the United States or Canadian app store (on either iPhone or Android).

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